A | abducens nucleus (7), ankle region (1), anterior digastric muscle blastema (1), anterior gastric nerve (CN X) (9), aortic vestibule (7), apex of heart (9), apex of left lung (4), apical posterior tertiary bronchus (1), apical tertiary bronchus (1), arch of azygos vein (6), atlanto-axial joint (4), azygos vein (55), azygos vein anastomosis (2) |
B | basal plate of mesencephalon (4), blastemata of anterior thigh muscles (1), blastemata of extensor muscle(s) (3), blastemata of extensor muscles in anterior leg (1), blastemata of extensor muscles in anterior thigh (1), blastemata of extensor muscles in thigh (1), blastemata of flexor muscles in posterior leg (1), blastemata of lower abdominal wall muscles (1), blastemata of psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles (1), body of pancreas (7), body of sphenoid (11), branch of iliac artery (1) |
C | C-6 dorsal primary ramus (1), carpal region (1), caudal edge of auricle (3), caudal edge of coronary sinus (2), caudal edge of duodenum (2), caudal edge of esophagus (1), caudal edge of left foot plate (1), caudal edge of left hand plate (1), caudal edge of left pleural cavity (1), caudal edge of lower lobe of left lung (2), caudal edge of lower lobe of right lung (2), caudal edge of middle lobe of right lung (4), caudal edge of pericardial sac (3), caudal edge of right pleural cavity (1), caudal edge of stomach wall (1), caudal edge of upper lobe of left lung (2), caudal edge of upper lobe of right lung (2), caudate lobe of liver (14), centrum of C-6 vertebra (4), centrum of C-7 vertebra (5), centrum of L-1 vertebra (6), centrum of L-2 vertebra (4), centrum of L-3 vertebra (2), centrum of T-1 vertebra (7), centrum of T-12 vertebra (6), centrum of T-2 vertebra (2), cephalic edge of alar plate of myelencephalon (1), cephalic edge of arytenoid swelling (2), cephalic edge of auricle (5), cephalic edge of duodenum (2), cephalic edge of exoccipital (1), cephalic edge of gonad (1), cephalic edge of left foot plate (1), cephalic edge of left lobe of liver (1), cephalic edge of left lower limb (1), cephalic edge of lower lobe of left lung (1), cephalic edge of mammary gland (1), cephalic edge of phallus (1), cephalic edge of pleural cavity (1), cephalic edge of rib 1 (1), cephalic edge of right lobe of liver (1), cephalic edge of roof plate of mesencephalon (1), cephalic edge of scapula (3), cephalic edge of shoulder (1), cephalic edge of suprarenal gland cortex (7), cerebral aqueduct (mesocoele) (87), choroid plexus (67), ciliary ganglion (3), Co-2 spinal nerve (1), Co-2 ventral primary ramus (1), coccygeal plexus (9), common bile duct (3), common crus (9), common excretory duct (1), common hepatic duct (4), coronary sinus (11), costovertebral joint (9) |
D | decussation in floor plate (7), decussation in floor plate of metencephalon (1), decussation in floor plate of myelencephalon (5), degenerating mesonephros (8), descending part of facial nerve (CN VII) (1), dorsal edge of central canal (1), dorsal horn of grey matter (56), dorsal surface of foot plate (1), dorsum of foot plate (2), duodenum (first part) (6), dura mater (18) |
E | edge of foramen magnum (1), edge of fundus of stomach (1), edge of median sulcus of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), edge of neurohypophysis (1), edge of pigmented layer of retina (2), edge of rectum (2), edge of retina (3), edge of right foot plate (1), edge of tongue root (1), edge of upper lip (1), edge of vascular plexus (1), edge of ventricular eminence(s) (2), elbow joint (2), eparterial bronchus (upper secondary bronchus) (1), esophageal nerve plexus (8), exoccipital (22), extensor compartment of arm (2), external iliac vessels (2) |
F | femoral condyle (1), fiber tract (18), flexor compartment of arm (1), flexor tendons in forearm (1), fusion region between cerebral vesicle and diencephalon (5) |
G | gall bladder bed (2), ganglion impar (3), geniohyoid muscle blastema (1), glomerulus in mesonephros (1), gonad (16), gubernaculum of gonad (3) |
H | head of pancreas (4), head of radius (11), head of rib 3 (4), hyoid body condensation (1), hypoglossal sulcus (1), hypoglossus muscle blastema (1), hypothalamus (diencephalon) (1) |
I | iliocostalis muscle (50), ilium (24), inferior hemi-azygos vein (8), inferior mesenteric ganglion (7), inferior nasal concha (16), inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (4), inferior pole of left kidney (metanephros) (1), inferior pole of right kidney (metanephros) (1), inferior tertiary bronchus (4), inferior tertiary bronchus of left lung (1), inferior vena cava (hepatic part) (11), intercostobrachial nerve (1), internal genu of facial nerve (CN VII) (2), ischium (11) |
J | junction of allantois and urinary bladder (1), junction of anterior abdominal wall and umbilical cord (1), junction of cerebral aqueduct and third ventricle (5), junction of common iliac veins (4), junction of diaphragm and phrenic nerve (1), junction of neural retina and optic nerve (CN II) (2), junction of right atrium and superior vena cava (2), junction of ventricle and central canal (1) |
L | laryngeal inlet (2), lateral basal tertiary bronchus (2), lateral horn of grey matter (29), lateral recess of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (15), lateral rectus muscle (4), lateral tertiary bronchus (3), least splanchnic nerve (2), left atrioventricular (mitral) valve (7), left crus of diaphragm (4), left lower pulmonary vein (5), left pleural cavity (3), left posterior cerebral artery (2), left pulmonary vein (2), left renal artery (1), left subcardinal anastomosis (1), left subcardinal vein (3), left subclavian artery (16), lens cavity (3), lesser splanchnic nerve (4), levator ani muscle (13), levator palprebae superioris muscle blastema (1), lingual artery (1), lingual nerve (8), longissimus muscle (50), longus capitis muscle (11), loose mesenchyme (18), lumen of fundus of stomach (1) |
M | marginal zone of left cerebral vesicle (1), medial basal tertiary bronchus (1), medial edge of eye (1), medial tertiary bronchus (4), metacarpal cartilage (4), metacarpal condensation (1), metatarsal condensation (7), middle cerebral artery (9), mylohyoid muscle blastema (1) |
N | neural arch of C-4 vertebra (4), neural arch of C-5 vertebra (4), neural arch of L-2 vertebra (1), neurohypophysis (10), notochord (dens region) (1), nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve (8) |
O | obex (14), occipital condyle (5), omphalomesenteric vessels (9), optic nerve (CN II) (22), origin of external iliac artery (1), origin of left subclavian artery (1), origin of optic nerve (CN II) (1), oronasal membrane (2), otic capsule cartilage (19), otic ganglion (6) |
P | palmar side of hand plate (2), palmar surface of hand plate (2), pancreatic duct (3), parotid gland bud (1), pedicle (4), pedicle of T-11 vertebra (1), phallus (2), pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage (16), pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage (1), plantar surface of foot plate (2), pleuroperitoneal foramen (8), posterior basal tertiary bronchus (3), posterior digastric / stylohyoid muscles blastemata (1), posterior digastric muscle blastema (1), posterior gastric nerve (CN X) (10), primary bronchus of right lung (1), primordial mandible (1), psoas major muscle (16), pterygopalatine ganglion (4), pubis (11), pudendal nerve (6), pulmogenic mesenchyme (10), pulmonary ligament (14) |
Q | quadratus lumborum muscle (10) |
R | radiohumeral joint (4), ramus communicans (3), renal artery (1), right kidney (metanephros) (1), right lobe of thymus gland (9), right pleural cavity (1), right posterior cerebral artery (1), right subclavian artery (4), right subclavian vein (1), roof plate of diencephalon (26) |
S | S-1 dorsal root (7), saccule(s) (8), semispinalis muscle (2), shaft of rib 1 (3), shaft of rib 2 (2), spinalis muscle (42), stapedial artery (1), stapes condensation (1), strap muscles of neck (3), submandibular ganglion (8), submandibular gland bud (1), submandibular groove (1), superior hemi-azygos vein (13), superior mesenteric ganglion (3), superior ophthalmic venous plexus (1), superior pole of left kidney (metanephros) (4), superior rectus muscle blastema (1), superior tertiary bronchus (3), superior vena cava (43), supraclavicular nerve (2), surface fold (2) |
T | T-1 root of brachial plexus (1), T-10 / T-11 intervertebral disc (9), T-10 dorsal primay ramus (1), T-10 ventral primary ramus (1), T-3 / T-4 intervertebral disc (3), T-6 / T-7 intervertebral disc (5), T-7 dorsal root (1), tarsal condensation(s) (4), termination of internal carotid artery (1), tip of rib 8 (1), tip of rib 9 (1), tongue root (3), tympanic cavity (4) |
U | urethral plate (2), urinary bladder horn (1), urinary bladder trigone (3), utricle (11) |
V | valve of inferior vena cava (2), ventricle of central canal (4) |
Z | zona limitans intrathalamica (17) |