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Carnegie Embryo #4090 | Location: 18-3
Keywords: S-1 spinal nerve, T-6 spinal ganglion, allantois, artifact separation(s), caudal edge of left ventricle, caudal edge of right atrium, central tendon of diaphragm, edge of herniated midgut, head of rib 7, inferior vena cava, junction of abdominal wall and umbilical cord, left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, lower lobe of left lung, lower lobe of right lung, lower secondary bronchus, muscular part of diaphragm, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, right lobe of liver, right lower pulmonary vein, right umbilical artery, sympathetic trunk, umbilical vein
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.