edge of roof plate of rhombencephalon: 17-1
junction of alar plate and roof plate of rhombencephalon: 15-77
roof plate of rhombencephalon: 13-2, 13-3, 13-4, 13-5, 13-6, 13-7, 13-8, 13-9, 13-10, 13-11, 13-13, 13-14, 13-15, 13-16, 13-17, 13-18, 13-19, 13-20, 13-21, 13-22, 13-23, 13-50, 14-11, 14-21, 14-31, 14-41, 14-51, 15-10, 15-14, 15-19, 15-23, 15-27, 15-32, 15-35, 15-39, 15-43, 15-53, 15-58, 15-62, 15-69, 15-73, 15-77, 16-5, 16-9, 16-69, 16-73, 16-77, 16-81, 16-85, 16-89, 16-93, 16-97, 16-101, 16-105, 16-109, 16-113, 16-117, 16-121, 16-175, 16-179, 17-7, 17-20, 17-50, 17-103, 17-127, 17-172, 17-183, Movie 14-1, Movie 15-1
caudal edge of: 15-73
caudal edge of infolded: 17-127
Your search found 7 terms, 72 serial sections, 2 movies.