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digit 4 (foot): 23-203, 23-204
metatarsophalangeal joint of: 23-203
digit 4 (ring finger): 20-209
distal interphalangeal joint of: 23-114
edge of distal phalynx of: 23-115
extensor hood of: 23-108
intermediate phalynx of: 20-205, 23-109, 23-112
left, proximal phalynx of: 20-203
left, volar surface of: 22-1289
metacarpophalangeal joint of: 22-1179, 22-1219, 23-97, 23-104
middle phalynx of: 21-217
proximal interphalangeal joint of: 23-106
proximal phalynx of: 23-105
tendons of flexor digitorum muscles of: 23-111
Your search found 15 terms, 19 serial sections, 2 atlas figures.